Monday, January 19, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Haunting Reflections on Science and Progress

Wanting to post something to honor Martin Luther King Day, I searched online for commentary by King on science. I found some examples in a terrific , who quoted King decrying how science had served the causes of white supremacy and slavery.

In his 1964 Nobel acceptance speech, King lamented the "poverty of the spirit which stands in glaring contrast to our scientific and technological abundance."

I also discovered King’s 1964 , in which he dwells on the gap between our scientific and moral progress. The speech is worth reading in its entirety, but below are some key excerpts:

Our survival depends on solving these problems, King said. He added, “The solution of these problems is in turn dependent upon man squaring his moral progress with his scientific progress, and learning the practical art of living in harmony.”

King’s words remain all too relevant.

Chomsky: We Are All – Fill in the Blank.

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