Sunday, January 25, 2015

Battling Bees and Future Bridge Designs: Scientific American's February Issue

One of the U.S.’s largest infrastructural projects underway is a new bridge slowly rising above the Hudson River near New York City. The design, called a cable-stay, is cheaper and faster to construct than a traditional suspension bridge for medium-length projects (such as those that span rivers). As America’s bridges age, cable-stays .

As people age, memory can become a problem. A creative way to test for Alzheimer’s is now undergoing investigation. The Neurotrack screen to help diagnose the disease before it damages the brain. Although there remains no cure for Alzheimer’s, researchers hope that testing potential drugs or therapies prior to mental decline will prove to be more successful than previous attempts at finding the most effective treatment in the battle against the debilitating disease.

Ants were long known as the only insects to wage war on other outside their own species. Now after an Australian team of researchers recorded nearly 50 hostile hive takeovers of unrelated colonies. Warriors dive-bombed one another in dramatic airborne raids. The scientists suspect the bees battle to claim territory.

Like angry bees, satellites can collide mid-air—a problem exacerbated by the fact that communications companies keep the precise locations of their instruments guarded. Advanced cryptography could soon allow satellite owners to the exact coordinates.

Also in February’s Advances:

Chomsky: We Are All – Fill in the Blank.

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