The most unexpected beneficiary of the EF-5 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, on May 22, 2011 was a fungus named .
It may, in fact, have been the only beneficiary. The mile-wide tornado touched down just to the west of Joplin that day and rampaged through town. The people of Joplin endured a maelstrom of metal, wood, and rock hurled at over 200 miles per hour. 158 people died and more than 1,100 were injured in this single storm; almost half the town was destroyed.
In the weeks after, doctors started to notice something strange among a few of those injured. Their wounds were blackening, infected by fungi so aggressive that the flesh actually sprouted fuzzy white mold, as if they were a forgotten orange or loaf of bread.
Doctors sampled the wounds, grew the fungus in the lab, and were astonished to find 13 people had all become infected by a single fungus rarely seen in humans: . Only 74 cases had ever been recorded. This time, the fungus would go on to kill or contribute to the deaths of five of the 13.
is a , one of the five major groups of . Zygomycetes get their name from the special reproductive structure in which they have sex and sexual spores: the zygosporangium. It looks like a big dark nut created at the junction where two fungal filaments of opposite mating type (i.e. sex) meet.
Fungal filaments artificially stained blue here. "" by - Jon Houseman and Matthew Ford. Licensed under via .Many zygomycetes are saprobes that make a living eating dead plants. A few parasitize insects or other fungi. Under normal conditions, scavanges dead plants and can no more infect a human than order a pizza. That rulebook gets tossed out, however, when an object traveling in excess of 200 miles per hour injects the fungus directly into human flesh.
Once comfortably ensconced in the human body, it, a professor of laboratory medicine, pathology, and microbiologiy and a consultant in the division of clinical microbiology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in the laboratory is referred to as a “lid lifter” because within a matter of hours the fungus can grow from a single spore to a mass of filaments that literally raises the roof of its Petri dish and crawls down the sides.
Matters are no different in the human body. The fungus is particularly good at infiltrating the walls and insides of blood vessels, where its filaments form nets that filter red and white blood cells from blood plasma, creating a clot. The clot blocks blood flow to the tissue, which dies, blackens, and as mentioned earlier, may actually sprout a fuzzy coating of mold.
Warning: The following image is extremely graphic.
Doctors treat the infection with antifungal drugs and slice away the dead flesh, a process rather aseptically termed “debridement”. Brutally, those infected in Joplin underwent an average of four debridements.
Of the five patients who died, all did so within two weeks of samples being taken, and all were still infected when they died. For three of the five, the fungus was listed as a primary or contributing cause of death on the death certificate. Unfortunately, no autopsy was performed in any of the deaths – part of -- making it difficult to be certain whether the fungus was the cause or not.
The pattern – or lack thereof – suggested to the scientists who studied it one of two scenarios: either the tornado had disturbed a single innoculum source containing a variety of strains of soon after touchdown on the west side of town. It then spread these spores through the city. Or the tornado disturbed multiple sources along its path, each containing one or more strains.
Interestingly, searches following the tornado were unable to detect the presence of in the Joplin area. And although two tornadoes touched down in Alabama and Massachusetts around the same time as the Joplin twister, the state health departments reported no infections in those injured.
Three physicians from Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City who had treated two of the patients infected with by the Joplin tornado . They agreed that “the extent of injury in our patients was typical of those seen in combat-related wounds”, and urged consultation with experienced combat surgeons in the wake of future tornadoes or other “catastrophic disasters”.
Etienne, Kizee A., John Gillece, Remy Hilsabeck, Jim M. Schupp, Rebecca Colman, Shawn R. Lockhart, Lalitha Gade et al. "." (2012): e49989.
Neblett Fanfair, Robyn, Kaitlin Benedict, John Bos, Sarah D. Bennett, Yi-Chun Lo, Tolu Adebanjo, Kizee Etienne et al. "Necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis after a tornado in Joplin, Missouri, in 2011." 367, no. 23 (2012): 2214-2225.
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