Thursday, April 30, 2015

Using Assisted Reproduction to Save the Cheetah [Slide Show]


CCF's Marker examines a young cheetah captured by a farmer with a cage trap, circa 1999. As she has done with more than 900 cheetahs, Marker anesthetized the animal to check for injuries, assess its overall health and collect blood samples.....[ More ]


CCF's Marker examines a young cheetah captured by a farmer with a cage trap, circa 1999. As she has done with more than 900 cheetahs, Marker anesthetized the animal to check for injuries, assess its overall health and collect blood samples. She has farmers (on the right) assist with the checkup so they can understand more about the species, which she believes makes them less likely to shoot on sight. This cheetah was only 10 months old and therefore unable to go back into the wild and survive on its own, so the CCF found a facility in Namibia where it could live.[ Less ]  [ ]

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