Thursday, April 30, 2015

Queen of Carbon Becomes First Woman to Receive IEEE Medal of Honor

In , Professor Mildred Dresselhaus will for her leadership and contributions across many fields of science and engineering. She is the  to receive the organisation’s highest honor since its inception in 1917.

Dresselhaus is famous for her work in carbon-based materials including buckminsterfullerenes (buckyballs), nanotubes and graphene. In the energy sector, carbon-based materials are in terms of their ability to increase energy storage capacities in battery technologies and supercapacitors. to the IEEE, “the era of carbon electronics can be traced back to [Dresselhaus's] tireless research efforts.”

Dresselhaus is the daughter of destitute Eastern European immigrants and a product of Great Depression and World War II–era New York City schools and their melting-pot culture where her only apparent career option was that of a schoolteacher (and “even that was a bit of a stretch, given the time and place”). But her love of music would help her discover a passion for mathematics and physics that would eventually lead her to a full Professorship at MIT.

Along this path, she would be by fellow scientists including Rosalyn Yalow, Enrico Fermi and Richard Feynman. In particular, Fermi has a deep influence on the scientist that Dresselhaus would become.

“Mildred Dresselhaus

Throughout her career, which has spanned more than half a century, Dresselhaus has served as the Director of the Office of Science at the US Department of Energy, President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Treasurer of the US National Academy of Sciences, President of the American Physical Society and Chair of the Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics. She has received numerous awards, including the US National Medal of Science, the Enrico Fermi Award, the Kavli Prize, and the and holds 28 honorary doctorates worldwide. She served as a caring and thoughtful mentor— not to mention becoming a mother of four and a grandmother of five.

In November, Dresselhaus received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S. government’s highest civilian honor. In the presentation ceremony, President Obama that “her influence is all around us, in the cars we drive, the energy we generate, the electronic devices that power our lives.”

Photo Credit: MIT and NSF (Georgia Litwack)

Parkinson's Pen Vibrates to Improve Legibility

Device stimulates hand muscles to counteract writing issues experienced by some people with Parkinson’s. Larry Greenemeier reports.

April 30, 2015 | |

causes tremors or stiffness that can turn everyday tasks such as eating, brushing teeth or into frustrating chores.A few years ago, a company called developed forks and spoons that respond to shaking by steadying the utensil, making it easier enjoy a meal.Now researchers at Imperial College and the Royal College of Art in London are developing a device called the ARC pen that vibrates to stimulate muscles in the hand. The vibrations could help Parkinson's patients’ handwriting—in part by counteracting what’s known as micrographia, which causes writing to be small and barely legible. Micrographia is often an early sign of Parkinson’s and afflicts about of patients.The researchers, who formed a company called Dopa Solution, have not published results but they say that 12 out of the 14 Parkinson’s sufferers testing their vibrating prototype ARC pen were able to write larger, clearer characters than they could with a normal pen.Dopa hopes to also develop that work like their pen. Not a cure, of course, but certainly a way to help users have a more satisfying life.—Larry Greenemeier

Life Ain't Easy: What Would Make an Exoplanet "Earth-Like"? [Excerpt]

From A New History of Life: The Radical New Discoveries about the Origins and Evolution of Life on Earth, by Peter Ward and Joe Kirschvink. Copyright © 2015, Peter Ward and Joe Kirschvink. Reprinted by permission of Bloomsbury Press.

Perhaps it is terrestrial chauvinism, or perhaps it is true that only life such as our own is possible in the universe. But the search for exoplanets has, at its core, the central goal of finding other “Earths.” The question becomes to define just what an Earthlike planet really is. We all have a conception of our planet in the present day: dominated by oceans, a green and blue place, and our place. But as we go back in time and forward in time, we find that the Earth was and absolutely will be a place very different from the planet we now call home. Earthlike is really a time as well as a “place” definition, it turns out.

There are various definitions that are current in astronomy and astrobiology, the two fields most concerned with defining just what kind of planet we live on. At its most inclusive, an Earthlike planet has a rocky surface and higher-density core. In its most restricted sense, it should share important necessities of “life as we know it,” including moderate temperatures and an atmosphere that allows liquid water to form on the surface. “Earthlike planet” is often used to indicate a planet resembling modern Earth, but we know that the Earth has changed greatly during the past 4.567 billion years since it formed. During parts of its history, our own Earthlike planet could not have supported life at all, and for over half of its history complex life such as animals and higher plants was impossible. The Earth was wet for virtually all of its history. Within 100 million years of the moon-forming event, where a Mars-sized protoplanet slammed into a still-accreting Earth-sized body, there was liquid water. Coincidence? Or simply a result of the great rain of water-heavy comets smashing onto the Earth’s surface and creating an extraterrestrial deluge?

The evidence is found in tiny sand grains of the mineral zircon radiometrically dated to as old as 4.4 billion years ago. They have the isotopic fingerprint of ocean water being sucked down into the mantle via a plate-tectonic-style subduction process. Even though our sun was far less energetic in earliest Earth history, there were enough greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to keep our planet warm. But even more important than heat from the sun, the volcanic activity on early Earth may have been ten times what it is now—and consequently a great deal of heat was streaming out of the Earth and warming its oceans and land. Some astrobiologists now think that life on Earth could not start until planetary heat cooled far lower than it was in the first billion years of Earth history, which is one of many reasons to think that Earth life could possibly have started on another planet, such as Mars. But there was another Earthlike planet early in our solar system history: Venus.

Early in its history Venus should have been in the sun’s habitable zone, although it now has a surface temperature of nearly 900°F (500°C) due to a runaway greenhouse effect that surely sterilized its surface (although some think there may be microbial life in its atmosphere, this seems to us to be a pretty slim chance). In contrast, the geological record of Mars shows clearly that it once had flowing water, even in major rivers and streams that could round pebbles and form alluvial fans. Now the water is lost, frozen, or just a faint vapor in the near vacuum of its atmosphere. Presumably its lower mass prohibited the plate tectonic processes essential for crustal recycling, which lowered the thermal gradients in its metallic core that are needed to generate an atmosphere-protecting magnetic field, and the greater distance from the sun allowed it to slip more easily into a permanent “snowball Earth” condition. If life ever existed on Mars, it might still exist in the subsurface, powered by the slight geochemical energy of radioactive decay.

Prior to about 4.6 billion years ago (from this point on, GA refers to billion years ago) the proto-Earth formed from the coalescence of variously sized “planetesimals,” or small bodies of rock and frozen gases that condensed in the plane of the ecliptic, the flat region of space in which all our planets orbit. At 4.567 GA (rather precisely dated, and numerically easy to remember), a Mars-sized object appears to have slammed into this body, causing the nickel-iron cores of the planets to merge and the moon to condense from a silicon-vapor “atmosphere” that existed briefly afterward. For the first several hundred million years of its existence, a heavy bombardment of meteors continuously pelted the new planet with lashing violence.

Both the lava-like temperatures of the Earth’s forming surface and the energy released by the barrage of incoming meteors during this heavy bombardment phase would surely have created conditions inhospitable to life. The energy alone produced by this constant rain of gigantic comets and asteroids prior to about 4.4 billion years ago would have kept the Earth’s surface regions at temperatures sufficient to melt all surface rock, and keep it in a molten state. There would have been no chance for water to form as a liquid on the surface.

The new planet began to change rapidly soon after its initial coalescence. About 4.56 billion years ago the Earth began to segregate into different layers. The innermost region, a core composed largely of iron and nickel, became surrounded by a lower­density region called the mantle. A thin, rapidly hardening crust of still lesser-density rock formed over the mantle, while a thick roiling atmosphere of steam and carbon dioxide filled the skies. In spite of being waterless on its surface, great volumes of water would have been locked up in the interior of the Earth and would have been present in the atmosphere as steam. As lighter elements bubbled upward and heavier ones sank, water and other volatile compounds were expelled from within the Earth and added to the atmosphere.

The early solar system was a place with new planets and a lot of junk that had not been included in planet formation, all orbiting the sun. But not all those orbits were the stable, low-eccentricity ellipses that the current planets show today. Many of them were highly skewed, and many more crossed between the orbiting planets and the sun. All solar system real estate was thus subjected to a cosmic barrage, and no more so than between 4.2 and 3.8 GA. Some of these objects—the comets in particular—may have contributed to the planetary budget of water, but this is a subject of rather intense debate. We simply don’t know how much water was delivered by cosmic impacts to the early Earth. The recent discovery that the trace amounts of water present in samples returned from the moon match those of the bulk on Earth argues that most of our hydrosphere and atmosphere was dissolved in the global magma ocean formed in the aftermath of the giant impact of the Mars-sized protoplanet, Thaea.

But any life then existing surely would have paid a price. NASA scientists have completed mathematical models of such impact events. The collision of a 500-km diameter body with the Earth results in a cataclysm almost unimaginable. Huge regions of the Earth’s rocky surface would have been vaporized, creating a cloud of superheated “rock-gas,” or vapors several thousand degrees in temperature. It is this vapor, in the atmosphere, which causes the entire ocean to evaporate into steam, boiling away to leave a scum of molten salt on the seafloor. Cooling by radiation into space would take place, but a new ocean would not rain out for at least several thousand years after the event. Such large, Texas-sized asteroids or comets could evaporate a ten-thousand-foot­deep ocean, sterilizing the surface of the Earth in the process.

About 3.8 billion years ago, even though the worst barrage of meteor impacts would have passed, there still would have been a much higher frequency of these violent collisions than in more recent times. The length of the day was also different, being less than ten hours long, because the Earth’s spin was faster then. The sun would have appeared to be much dimmer, perhaps a red orb of little heat, for it not only was burning with far less energy than today, but it had to shine through a poisonous, riled atmosphere composed of billowing carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, steam, and methane—and no atmospheric or oceanic oxygen was present. The sky itself would probably have been orange to brick red in color, and the seas, which surely covered virtually all of the Earth’s surface, would have been a muddy brown in color. But it was real estate with gas, liquid water, and a rocky crust with myriad minerals, rocks, and environments—including those now thought to be necessary for the two-part process of evolving life: producing the many “parts” and then bringing them all together on a factory floor.

Necessary life support systems and their history
One of the most critical prerequisites for the origin of life on Earth was to have had atmospheric gases “reducing” enough to permit the formation of prebiotic molecules, the building blocks of Earth life. The chemical processes known as oxidation-reduction can be remembered as “oil-rig.” This speaks to whether a compound is giving up electrons (OIL: oxidation is loss) or getting electrons (RIG: reduction is gain). Electrons are like money that can be swapped for energy: in oxidation, an electron loss pays for gain in energy. In reduction, the gain of an electron is money in the bank—and this money is in the form of energy. For example, oil and coal are “reduced.” That is, they have a lot of energy in the bank that can be freed when they are oxidized as we burn these fuels. In other words, we oxidize them, which produces energy.

The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere early in its history is a controversial and heavily researched topic. While the amount of nitrogen may have been similar to that of today, there are abundant and diverse lines of evidence indicating that there was little or no oxygen available. Carbon dioxide, however, would have been present in much higher volumes than today, and this CO2-rich atmosphere would have created hothouse-like conditions through a super greenhouse effect, with CO2 pressures ten thousand times higher than today.

Today our atmosphere is made up of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and less than 1 percent carbon dioxide and methane—and this composition seems to be relatively new. As is becoming all too apparent, our atmosphere can change its composition relatively rapidly, especially in that deceptively small 1 percent that includes carbon dioxide and methane, two of the so-called greenhouse gases (along with water vapor) that are of importance far out of proportion to their atmospheric abundance.

Element cycles and global temperatures
Our human body requires an immense number of complicated processes to foster the strange state we call life. Many of these systems involve the movement of the element carbon. In analogous fashion, the movement of carbon, oxygen, and sulfur are key aspects in maintaining environments suitable for life on Earth. Of these, carbon is most important.

Carbon undergoes an active cycling in and out of solid, liquid, and gas phases. The transfer of carbon between the oceans, atmosphere, and life is referred to as the carbon cycle, and it is this movement that has the most critical effect on a changing planetary temperature brought about by varying concentrations of greenhouse gases. What we refer to as the carbon cycle is really composed of two different (but intersecting) cycles—the short­term and long­term carbon cycles. The short-term carbon cycle is dominated by plant life. Carbon dioxide is taken up during photosynthesis, and some of this carbon becomes locked up as living plant tissue—which is a reduced compound, thus rich in energy that can be liberated. When plants die or leaves fall, this carbon is transferred to soil, and can be again transformed into other carbon compounds in the bodies of soil microbes, other plants, or animals—where the reduced carbon compounds are oxidized with a gain of energy to the organism doing the oxidizing.

At the same time, organisms also convert other carbon molecules to a reduced state, where it can be used for energy. As it passes through a food chain of animals, this same carbon, now in reduced state, can be oxidized and then respired out of the animal or microbe as carbon dioxide gas, and thus the cycle can renew. Other times, however, still locked within plant or animal tissue, the energy-rich reduced carbon might be buried without being consumed by other organisms, to become part of a large organic carbon reservoir within the Earth’s crust. In so doing, this carbon is no longer part of the short-term carbon cycle.

The second, or long-term, carbon cycle involved very different kinds of transformations. The most important is that the long-term cycle involves the transfer of carbon from the rock record into the ocean or atmosphere and back again. The time scale of this transfer is generally measured in millions of years. The transfer of carbon to and from rocks can cause changes in the Earth’s atmosphere larger than those that can be attained by the short-term carbon cycle, because there is more carbon locked up in rocks than in the ocean, the biosphere (the sum total of living organisms), and the atmosphere combined. This may seem surprising, because the amount of living matter alone is huge. But Bob Berner of Yale University has calculated that if every plant on our planet were suddenly burned, with all their carbon molecules then entering the atmosphere, this short-term carbon cycling would increase atmospheric carbon dioxide by about 25 percent. In contrast, long-term changes in the past have accounted in swings both up and down of carbon dioxide of more than 1,000 percent.

A crucial aspect of the Earth’s carbon cycle concerns calcium carbonate, or limestone. This common Earth material makes up the skeletons of most skeletonized invertebrates. It is also found in tiny planktonic plants, called coccolithophorids, whose skeletons accumulate to form the sedimentary rock known as chalk. Coccolith skeletons make up a vital part of Earth’s habitability, because they help control long­term temperature at stable levels. Because of the plate tectonic process known as subduction, eventually some of this chalk is carried by the plate tectonic conveyer belt to subduction zones, long depressions in the Earth’s crust where oceanic crust sinks downward into the Earth’s interior at these depressions. Miles down into the Earth, now well below the surface of the sea bottom, sufficient heat and pressure cause the calcareous and siliceous skeletons to change into new minerals, such as silicates, as well as carbon dioxide gas. These minerals and hot carbon dioxide gas then make their way back to the surface of the Earth as upward-rising magma, rich in gas, where the minerals are extruded as lava, and the gas is liberated into the atmosphere.

This, then, is the key process of the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is transformed into living tissue, which eventually decays and helps form the skeletons of other kinds of animals and plants, which eventually fuse into lava and gas deep in the Earth, which is then brought back into the surface to renew the cycle. The long-term carbon cycle thus has a huge effect on atmospheric gas compositions, which itself largely controls global temperature. And since processes of sediment burial and erosion as well as chemical weathering are key components determining how much and how fast carbonate and silicate organism skeletons are produced in the sea, ultimately the amount of minerals going down the hungry maw of the subduction zones will dictate how much carbon dioxide and methane is pumped back into the atmosphere through volcanoes. This entire process is therefore both largely controlled by life and ultimately allows life to exist on Earth. More than just dictating atmospheric concentrations, it produced what might be called a planetary thermostat, for there is a feedback aspect to the cycle that regulates the long-term temperature on Earth.

The thermostat works like this. Let’s say the amount of carbon dioxide spewing from earthly volcanoes increases, causing more carbon dioxide and methane to enter the atmosphere. Making their way into the upper atmosphere, many of these molecules cause heat energy rising up from the surface of the Earth (after getting there first as sunlight) to be reflected back toward the Earth. This is the greenhouse effect. With more heat energy trapped in the atmosphere, the temperature of the entire planet rises, in the short term causing more liquid water to evaporate in the atmosphere as water vapor, which itself is also a greenhouse gas. This warming, however, has interesting consequences. With warmer temperatures, the rates of chemical weathering increase. This is most important with regard to weathering of silicate minerals. As we have seen, this weathering process eventually leads to the formation of carbonate or other new kinds of silicate minerals, but the weathering process itself strips carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

As weathering rates increase, more and more carbon dioxide is pulled out of the atmosphere to form other chemical compounds that have no first-order effect on global temperature. As atmospheric CO2 levels begin to drop, so too does global temperature by a less effective greenhouse caused by fewer greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere. At the same time, weathering rates decrease as it gets colder, and fewer skeletons are precipitated because there are fewer bicarbonate and silica ions to choose from. Eventually, this results in less skeletal material being subducted, and a lower volume of volcanic carbon dioxide. Now the Earth is cooling rapidly. But as it does so, many ecosystems such as coral reefs or surface plankton regions reduce in size, and thus less atmospheric carbon dioxide is called for. In this world, the volcanoes begin to emit more carbon dioxide than can be used by organisms, and the cycle renews.

The crucial weathering rates are not just affected by temperature. The rapid rise of a mountain chain can cause an uptick in silicate mineral erosion, no matter what the temperature. Rising mountains thus cause a more rapid weathering of these minerals and the removal of more atmospheric CO2. The Earth rapidly cools. Many geologists believe that the rapid uplift of the massive and rugged Himalaya mountain chain caused a sudden drop in atmospheric CO2 levels, and thus brought on (or at least contributed to) the cooling that eventually produced the Pleistocene ice age that began some 2.5 million years ago.

A third factor affecting chemical erosion rates is the kind and abundance of plant life. “Higher” (multicellular) plants are highly efficient at causing physical erosion of rock material, thus creating more surface area for chemical weathering to act on. A sudden rise in plant abundance—or the evolution of a new kind of plant with deeper roots, such as found in most trees—has the same effect as the short-term rise of a new mountain chain: weathering rates increase, causing global temperature to decrease. The opposite—the removal of plants either through mass extinction or human-caused deforestation—causes rapid atmospheric heating.

Even the movement of continents can affect worldwide weathering rates, and hence global climate. Since weathering proceeds faster in higher temperatures, even a world in the midst of a very cold interval will get even colder if continental drift moves large continents to equatorial from higher latitudes.

Chemical weathering is quite slow in the Arctic and Antarctic, but high at the equator. Moving continents to equatorial regions will have an effect on global temperature. Another effect of continental position comes from the relative positions of the continents. No amount of chemical weathering can change global temperature if the crucial solutes and mineral species to be used to build skeletons cannot make their way to the sea. Moving water does this, but if all the continents coalesce, as they did in the formation of Pangaea some 300 million years ago, huge areas of the supercontinent interior would have been bereft of rainfall and rivers to the sea. While untold tons of bicarbonate, dissolved calcium, and silica ions would have been produced in the center of this giant continent, much of it never made it to the world ocean.

Eventually, with reduced rainfall, weathering rates would have lowered even in the higher temperatures, and the feedback system may not have worked quite as well as it does with separated continents. The far lower length of continental coastlines produced by the continental amalgamation would have severely affected world climate, as so much of formerly maritime-influenced and wetland areas would have been transformed into regions far from the sea and its water. Deserts and Arctic alike show low rates of weathering, and hence help make the world warmer by lower rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide uptake by mineral by-products of weathering.

The Phanerozoic carbon dioxide and oxygen curves
Perhaps the most influential physical factors other than temperature that most importantly influenced life’s history on Earth were the changing volumes (manifested as atmospheric gas pressures) of life- giving carbon dioxide (for plants) and oxygen (for animals). The relative amounts of both CO2 and oxygen in our planet’s atmosphere over time have been (and continue to be) determined by a wide range of physical and biological processes, and it comes as a surprise to most people that the level of both have fluctuated significantly until relatively recently in geological time. But why do the levels of these two gases change at all? The major determinants are a series of chemical reactions involving many of the abundant elements on and in the Earth’s crust, including carbon, sulfur, and iron. The chemical reactions involve both oxidation and reduction. In each case, free oxygen (O2) combines with molecules containing carbon, sulfur, or iron, to form new chemical compounds, and in so doing oxygen is removed from the atmosphere and stored in the newly formed compounds. Oxygen is liberated back into the atmosphere by other reactions involving reduction of compounds. This is what happens during photosynthesis in plants, as they liberate free oxygen as a by-product of the reduction of carbon dioxide through a complex series of intermediate reactions.

There have been a number of models specifically derived to deduce past O2 and CO2 levels through time, with the set of equations referred to as GEOCARB being the oldest and most elaborate. This model, used for calculating levels of carbon, was devised by Robert Berner of Yale University. In addition to GEOCARB, separate models have been developed by Berner and his students for calculating O2. Together, the models show the major trends in O2 and CO2 through time. This work represents one of the great triumphs of the scientific method. The importance of the rise and fall of oxygen and carbon dioxide over time is really one of the newest and most fundamental of understandings about life’s history on Earth.

Some believe that by 4 billion years ago, conditions and materials on Earth were correct for life to form. But the fact that a planet is habitable does not automatically mean that it will ever be inhabited. The formation of life from nonlife, the subject of the next chapter, appears to have been the most complex chemical experiment of all time. While astrobiologists seem to constantly refer to how “easy” it must have been to start life on Earth, a more nuanced look implies anything but.

Almost more than any other aspect, it has become clear that the interplay and concentrations of the various components of the Earth’s atmosphere have been dominant determinants of not only what kind of life (or there being any life at all) on our Earth, but the history of that life. The increasing acceptance of the dominant roles of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in understanding not only large-scale patterns but nuances of life’s progression on our planet is in many respects a twenty-first-century innovation in interpreting Earth history. As is the understanding that two other important gases have played dominant roles in the story of life, and in the pages to come: hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, and methane (CH4). Their stories are written in rock, life, and death as well.

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Jeff Bezos Co. Launches Surprise Test of Private Spaceship

The suborbital "New Shepard" spacecraft reached an altitude of more than 93 kilometers in its inaugural flight

April 30, 2015 | and |

Blue Origin, a company founded by's billionaire founder Jeff Bezos, launched the New Shepard spacecraft from its West Texas proving grounds

The private spaceflight company Blue Origin launched a surprise test  of its suborbital New Shepard spaceship on Wednesday (April 29), a mission that successfully demonstrated the space capsule but failed to recover its reusable rocket booster.

Blue Origin, a company founded by's billionaire founder Jeff Bezos, launched the New Shepard spacecraft from its West Texas proving grounds.  shows it soaring up to an altitide of 307,000 feet (93,573 meters). 

"The in-space separation of the crew capsule from the propulsion module was perfect," . "Any astronauts on board would have had a very nice journey into space and a smooth return." []

A longer,  shows the vehicle rising into the blue Texas sky, with the passenger capsule separating from its booster and parachuting back to Earth. The two videos released by Blue Origin did not show the descent of the rocket booster—dubbed the "propulsion module"—which is designed to make a vertical landing and be reused on future .

In his statement, Bezos confirmed that the rocket booster was lost during the test. 

"Of course one of our goals is reusability, and unfortunately we didn't get to recover the propulsion module because we lost pressure in our hydraulic system on descent," Bezos wrote. "Fortunately, we've already been in work for some time on an improved hydraulic system. Also, assembly of propulsion module serial numbers 2 and 3 is already underway—we'll be ready to  again soon."

Wednesday's New Shepard test flight reached a maximum altitude of 58 miles (93 kilometers)—just a few miles short of the 62-mile-high (100 km) boundary between Earth and space. The demonstration flight occurred just weeks after Blue Origin President Rob Meyerson announced that .

"They could go as quickly, in the early days, as on a monthly schedule—a month between tests," Meyerson said during the April 7 announcement. "But we expect over the next couple of years to be flying regularly with the New Shepard vehicle."

This view from Blue Origin's New Shepard spacecraft shows the separation from its propulsion module during an April 29, 2015 test flight over West Texas.  

 has been quietly developing reusable rocket engines and spacecraft to launch paying passengers into space.

The New Shepard spacecraft is designed to launch at least three people—and possibly more, depending on other payload—on round trips to suborbital space. It is powered by Blue Origin's BE-3 rocket engine, which generates 110,000 pounds of thrust and is fueled by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.

While the company has not released any pricing details for its passenger flights, Bezos did unveil an online sign-up portal for potential customers in Wednesday's announcement. According to that portal, a full capsule could carry six people into space.

In his statement, Bezos added that Blue Origin has also already begun  work on a larger, orbital spacecraft that it calls the Very Big Brother to New Shepard. 

"We continue to be very big fans of the vertical takeoff , vertical landing (VTVL) architecture," Bezos wrote. "We chose VTVL because it's scalable to very large size."

The Very  is "an orbital launch vehicle that is many times New Shepard's size," according to Bezos. It will be powered by the company's more powerful BE-4 rocket engine.

Early Puberty: Causes and Effects

For the past two decades scientists have been trying to unravel a mystery in young girls. Breast development, typical of 11-year-olds a generation ago, is now occurring in more seven-year-olds and, rarely, even in three-year-olds. That precocious development, scientists fear, may increase their risk for cancer or other illnesses later in life. Time has not resolved the puzzle. Nor is there any indication that this trend is slowing. More and more families are finding themselves in the strange position of juggling stuffed animals and puberty talks with their first and second graders.

Obesity appears to be the major factor sending girls into these unchartered waters. The rate of obesity has more than doubled in children over the past 30 years. And whereas only 7 percent of children aged six to 11 were obese in 1980, nearly 18 percent were obese in 2012. The latest studies, however, suggest that weight gain does not explain everything. Family stress and chemical exposures in the environment may also play a role, but the data do not yet paint a very clear picture of their contribution. As for boys, the data are murkier, but one 2012 study did suggest that they, too, may be starting puberty earlier than before—perhaps by as much as six months to two years.

Clinicians say that slightly early development of breasts is likely not physically harmful and so does not require medical or pharmaceutical therapy for most girls. (Among the few exceptions are pituitary disorders.) The psychological effects, though, are another matter that warrants more attention from schools and parents; early puberty seems to augment the risk of depression and to promote substance abuse and early initiation of sexual intercourse.

Obesity's role

From a biological point of view, whether puberty begins early or late, it still starts in the brain. Something cues the brain to produce a substance called gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH. This process activates the pituitary gland, which then signals the ovaries to produce estrogen, which in turn stimulates the breasts to grow and puberty to begin. (Pubic hair forms as the result of a different biological process.) Menstruation usually begins a few years later. Focusing too much on the latter meant researchers tended to overlook the breast trend.

The ovaries are not the only place in the body where estrogen is produced, however. Fat cells manufacture the hormone as well. Thus, with obesity levels on the rise around the world, it is not surprising that earlier puberty would result. Although girls' breasts are developing earlier than before, the age at which they start to menstruate—and at which ovaries start pumping out large amounts of estrogen on a regular basis—has advanced by about only three months compared with decades past. As a result, puberty not only begins earlier but lasts longer than before.

The most obvious physical consequence of early puberty is a prolonged exposure to estrogen. Although excessive amounts of the hormone appear to increase the risk of developing breast cancer, no data so far indicate that starting one's period a few months earlier than the previous norm exposes a girl to enough extra estrogen to cause a health problem. The potential effect probably is minimal, researchers say—particularly when weighed against myriad other factors—such as genetics, alcohol consumption and exercise—that also affect cancer risk. The much smaller exposure to estrogen that occurs in conjunction with early breast development has not yet been definitively studied.

Against that backdrop, many experts now believe parents should focus on the psychosocial consequences of early puberty rather than the potential physical risks. Frank M. Biro of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center has spent his career studying puberty. He is also the father of three children. In his estimation, one of the biggest issues with early puberty is social well-being. “We interact with girls as they appear,” Biro says. “People relate to an early-maturing girl as if she is older than she is, but there is really no correlation between age of onset of puberty and one's social or emotional maturation.” The result can be incredibly confusing for girls—who may face sexual innuendo or teasing long before they (or their parents) are ready for it.

Beyond obesity

What might that something else include? Researchers have long suspected that exposure to certain compounds known as endocrine disruptors might have a part in triggering early puberty. These substances, among them pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and bisphenol A, mimic the effects of estrogen in the body—and so could potentially stimulate early breast growth. Discerning how much of an influence exposure to these chemicals might play is complicated, however, by the obesity epidemic. Because the body often stores chemicals in fat cells, an overweight girl is more likely to be exposed to more chemicals—making it difficult to apportion blame between endocrine disruptors and weight gain. Other investigators have implicated intense stresses in childhood, such as sometimes occurs with the absence of the biological father in the home or if a child is sensitive to conflict around her, as possible causes of earlier puberty—although the biological mechanism of action is not known. What is evident is that there is a symphony of moving parts to make puberty happen instead of a solo actor.

What to do?

One thing mothers can do to try to avoid the problem in the first place is to breast-feed their children. Children who are breast-fed appear to be less likely to enter puberty early, although the reasons are still unclear. A 2015 study that tracked some 1,200 girls and their mothers' breast-feeding habits found that breast-feeding—and longer duration of breast-feeding—correlated with later onset of breast development in daughters in some populations. Parents and communities can also help protect girls from the painful psychological effects of early development. One way, Deardorff says, is preparing girls for puberty by talking about developmental changes in a positive, nonstigmatizing way. Living in a homogeneous neighborhood may also be helpful: early-maturing fifth graders of Mexican descent showed fewer symptoms of depression by seventh grade when they lived in Hispanic neighborhoods compared with similar girls living in more diverse neighborhoods, according to another study. It is unclear, however, why homogeneity may have helped.

Regardless of where girls live, they could well benefit from a change in school curriculums. Schools typically do not offer sexual education classes covering body maturation until fifth grade, when most children are around age 10 or 11. Puberty education should start earlier, Deardorff and Greenspan believe, with age-appropriate materials beginning in the first semester of fourth grade to more closely conform with present reality.

Identifying the triggers that push individual girls into early puberty remains a challenge that leaves parents short of a simple action plan. As Marcia E. Herman-Giddens, lead author of the watershed 1997 early puberty paper, says, “People always want to know the reason, but I don't think people will ever be able to sort out the reason or the fix. It's a lot of things interacting together, and they have different effects on different individuals.”

It remains to be seen if the early puberty trends will continue. “You would think at some point you would hit a biologic minimum, but I don't know when that is or when it would be,” Biro says. Will every girl start maturing earlier? If obesity trends reverse course, will puberty begin later? As researchers look for answers, it is clear that parents and doctors alike need to be aware of the changes happening right now.

Cartography: Flattening Earth

A distorted science project from Science Buddies

April 30, 2015 | |

Flat maps cannot accurately depict the surface of our round Earth. So how do map makers adjust? Try this hands-on activity and make your own mineature planet--then flatten it and see what happens!

Key conceptsMaps



  • Surface covered with butcher paper or other protective material
  • Medium-size balloon (for example, a 12-inch balloon)
  • Bottle cap (such as one from a plastic water bottle)
  • Permanent marker (medium-thick works best)
  • Scissors
  • Six pushpins
  • Cardboard piece, 20-by-25 centimeters or larger (It should be either thick cardboard or two layers of regular cardboard so the pushpins do not stick through.)
  • Two assistants (The activity can be done alone but is easier with assistants.)
  • You will use a balloon to represent Earth in this activity. Blow up the balloon to about half full and tie it. The top of the balloon and the knot represent the North and South poles, respectively.
  • If you would like, use the permanent marker and label the top of the balloon with an "N" and the knot with an "S." This will remind you where the each pole is located.
  • Draw an equator on the balloon with permanent marker. Earth's equator is an imaginary line around its center, which is equidistant (the same distance) from the North Pole and the South Pole. (Note: Once your marker lines are drawn, always set the balloon on the butcher paper or on the cardboard to avoid getting dirty prints on your work surface.)
  • Draw four equally spaced lines of longitude on the balloon with permanent marker. Lines of longitude are imaginary lines running over the globe, connecting the North Pole with the South Pole. They are perpendicular (at a right angle) to the equator.
  • Look: How is this balloon similar to a real globe? How is it different from a real globe?
  • Inspired by methods used by scientists (like Tissot's indicatrix method), you will draw same-size circles all over the globe (balloon), create a projection (flat map) and study its distortions.
  • Start by drawing one circle centered on an intersection of the equator and a line of longitude. To do this, place the bottle cap on the balloon and trace around it with the permanent marker.
  • Now draw similar circles centered on the intersections of the equator with the three other lines of longitude. You now have four circles on your globe.
  • Add four more circles on the equator that are equally spaced between the four circles already drawn.
  • Add a circle on the North Pole (balloon top) and the South Pole (area around the knot).
  • Add eight circles in the Northern Hemisphere, about midway between the equator and the North Pole, with two circles between each pair of lines of longitude.
  • Repeat the previous step for the Southern Hemisphere. You now have a total of 26 circles drawn on your globe.
  • Examine your globe. Note that these circles are on the same line of latitude as well.
  • Use scissors to snip a tiny hole in the balloon, close to the knot. Allow the balloon to deflate on its own rather than pop it!
  • Carefully cut the deflated balloon open along a line of longitude from the South Pole (the knot) to the North Pole, but stop a little before the very top of the balloon. (Cutting over the very top increases the risk of the balloon ripping when it is stretched out in later steps.)
  • Next you will create a projection of your Earth with drawn circles by stretching out the deflated balloon to form a rectangular, flat map.
  • Put the cardboard in front of you on your work area. Place the pushpins within reach.
  • Stretch the balloon to be flat and as close to rectangular in shape as possible. (It will be easier with an assistant.) One person can hold one side while the other holds the other side of the balloon. Try to get the equator straight and the lines of longitude as straight as possible. (Note: Do not stretch the balloon too much, as this could rip it.)
  • Work together to pin the stretched-out balloon onto the cardboard. (Caution: Be sure to put the pushpins in slanted slightly outward, or away from the balloon.) Pushpins that are pointing straight down or with the colored tips pointing inward might shoot out due to tension in the balloon.
  • Occasionally a balloon might rip in the process. If it does, hold the ripped edge with your fingers to make the observations. An extra pushpin can sometimes help hold a ripped balloon.
  • Examine your flat map, especially the size of the circles. Remember, all the circles were identical in size on your globe when it was inflated.
  • Study your flat map again, now concentrating on the distance between the circles. Remember, the circles on the equator were equidistant from one another; so were the circles between the equator and each pole. Also, the circles in the Northern and Southern hemispheres were drawn midway between the equator and each pole.
  • Look at your flat map again, now concentrating on the shapes of the circles. Remember that you started with equally sized circles.
  • Extra: Investigate if the relative direction of the circles, with respect to one another, is maintained in your projection. If so, the direction has been maintained in that area of your map.
  • Extra: The projection you created is similar to the Mercator projection frequently used to create world maps. Find a Mercator projection world map and compare the size of North America and Africa.

Observations and resultsAs parts of the balloon are stretched more than others, the size of the circles is no longer identical on the map. This indicates that relative size and distance are distorted in this projection. Circles on the equator (or any other line of latitude) are still mostly equal in size, indicating that features located on the same line of latitude can be compared in size. Relative to the size at the equator, enlargement gets more prominent as you move away from the equator, and is most extreme at the poles. This explains why Mercator projections can provide misleading information when comparing size or distance. (Note that you cannot extrapolate all of your findings to Mercator projection. The balloon map you just created shows distortions on the edges that would not appear in Mercator projections.)

More to exploreWorld Geography, from Mr. NussbaumProjecting the Globe on a Rectangular Map, from Science BuddiesCylindrical Projection, from KidsGeo.comWhat Is Cartography?, from

Science Buddies

Climate Change May Speed Asthma Spread

ALAMEDA, Calif.—The first time Devine Simpson had an asthma attack, she said she couldn't stop coughing. It was so bad, it woke her up in the middle of the night.

"I felt like I was going to throw up," she said.

Devine was diagnosed at age 3, and for many years, her asthma seemed out of control, said her mother, Tracie Simpson.

About two years ago, Simpson began bringing Devine, who is now in fifth grade, to the Breathmobile, a mobile 33-foot recreational vehicle that is outfitted as an asthma clinic. Operated by West Oakland, Calif., nonprofit the Prescott-Joseph Center with a recent influx of funding from Chevron Corp., the clinic is parked in front of a smattering of Alameda and Contra Costa elementary schools on most days.

Devine is one of 25 million people in the United States diagnosed with asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Asthma is an inflammatory condition or disease of the airways that affects the bronchial tubes in the lungs. When the bronchioles are inflamed, it causes the tubes to swell, constrict and produce excess mucus. These actions prevent air from making it through, which creates the symptoms of asthma—coughing, wheezing and sometimes a feeling patients describe as not being able to breathe. Without treatment, it can be a life-threatening disease.

In recent decades, diagnoses of asthma have risen dramatically. Between 2001 and 2009, the number of patients diagnosed with asthma rose by 4.3 million, according to CDC reports. It is a leading cause of school absences across the country.

Symptoms are often triggered by air pollution and allergies. Climate change may also exacerbate the problem.

"Plants are starting their pollination season earlier, and it lasts longer," said Alan Goldsobel, an allergist with the Allergy and Asthma Associates of Northern California.

Climate change affects the duration of seasons and contributes to more erratic weather patterns, and those changes are causing plants to not only release pollen earlier and longer, but more of it.

A bus that presents a remedy, not a cause

Dr. Geetika Sengupta, who has been with the Breathmobile for more than two years, said asthma can be caused by different stressors in different patients. For some people, allergies trigger their symptoms, whereas for others, it can be exercise or getting a cold.

Intensified air pollution from vehicles could also be behind the increasing number of cases in the country. Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles—which account for 27 percent of emissions across the country—are also effective for reducing levels of particulate matter, which can aggravate asthma.

A federal mandate to reduce emissions from vehicles purchased after 2006 could result in 14 million fewer school absences from respiratory problems—especially among kids with asthma—annually, according to a new  from the University of Michigan and the University of Washington.

In 2005, U.S. EPA's National Clean Diesel Campaign required that vehicles purchased after 2006 use cleaner fuels and be subject to more stringent emissions standards. At the same time, EPA offered grants to upgrade and replace old diesel engines. Through these grants, 20,000 school buses were upgraded or replaced between 2005 and 2009.

Researchers found that these upgrades may have a significant impact on the health of the 25 million children who ride school buses every day—reducing levels of pollutants in buses by as much as 50 percent.

'Huge' health benefits from climate change measures

"It's a success story," said Joel Kaufman, co-author of the study. "Investing in these technologies is beneficial."

Though the study focused on air quality in buses, the researchers say the effects of reduced emissions from buses and other vehicles could have cascading effects on surrounding communities and children such as Devine.

"The changes we make to avert climate change not only have benefits for climate change, but they also have huge benefits on health," Kaufman said.

Kaufman's statement echoes the ideas behind President Obama's initiative to highlight connections between climate change and health announced earlier this month. The president even brought his own daughter Malia's childhood battle with asthma to illustrate how combating global warming can directly affect those who have the respiratory disease.

"We've got to do better in protecting vulnerable Americans," Obama said. "Ultimately, though, all of our families are going to be vulnerable. You can't cordon yourself off from air or from climate."

An Ode to MESSENGER and Mariner 10: Graphics from the Archive

In honor of the spacecraft MESSENGER, which ends its mission today with a planned collision with Mercury, here’s a look back at the craft and its travels, as illustrated by Don Foley for the issue of .

Illustration by Don Foley. Originally produced for "Journey to the Innermost Planet" by Scott L. Murchie, Ronald J. Vervack, Jr., and Brian J. Anderson, in Scientific American, March 2011.

Graphic by Jen Christiansen; Source: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington; Originally produced for "Journey to the Innermost Planet" by Scott L. Murchie, Ronald J. Vervack, Jr., and Brian J. Anderson, in Scientific American, March 2011.

Although MESSENGER was the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury, it wasn’t the first mission to send back images of the planet. Mariner 10 flew by three times in 1974-75, thanks to a sling-shot assist from Venus. Here is how Allen Beechel illustrated its trajectory for the issue of the magazine:

Graphic by Allen Beechel. from "Mercury" by Bruce C. Murray, in Scientific American, September 1975.

Graphic by Allen Beechel. from "Mercury" by Bruce C. Murray, in Scientific American, September 1975.

Perhaps it’s time to update the following , with information gleaned from MESSENGER:

Graphic by Ilil Arbel. from "The Solar System" by Carl Sagan, in Scientific American, September 1975

The Perks of Being a Female Scientist

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Although many women begin their studies in these fields, their numbers drop at every stage of educational and professional advancement. At the undergraduate level in the U.S., about half of all students are women. Yet in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math—STEM for short—women account for only 39 percent of bachelor's degrees and 35 percent of Ph.D.s. At the end of this leaky educational pipeline, only 27 percent of the people working in STEM-related occupations are women.

Educators and policy makers have deployed various strategies to encourage women to stay in STEM careers, but the effectiveness of these campaigns could be improved. Measures to increase the number of women in these careers typically center on the barriers, biases and stereotypes that discourage them—a so-called prevention focus. The obstacles can be formidable, but emphasizing only the negatives can be demoralizing. Psychology studies find that when students feel that life events are out of their control, their performance suffers. Similarly, teaching women about the cognitive burden of stereotypes without giving them tools to overcome these challenges can be counterproductive, harming their performance.

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Using Assisted Reproduction to Save the Cheetah [Slide Show]


CCF's Marker examines a young cheetah captured by a farmer with a cage trap, circa 1999. As she has done with more than 900 cheetahs, Marker anesthetized the animal to check for injuries, assess its overall health and collect blood samples.....[ More ]


CCF's Marker examines a young cheetah captured by a farmer with a cage trap, circa 1999. As she has done with more than 900 cheetahs, Marker anesthetized the animal to check for injuries, assess its overall health and collect blood samples. She has farmers (on the right) assist with the checkup so they can understand more about the species, which she believes makes them less likely to shoot on sight. This cheetah was only 10 months old and therefore unable to go back into the wild and survive on its own, so the CCF found a facility in Namibia where it could live.[ Less ]  [ ]

Can Assisted Reproduction Save the Cheetah?

The National Zoo is working on ways to make artificial insemination and embryo transfers reliable enough to rebuild genetically stagnant cheetah populations

April 30, 2015 | |

The cheetah has been critically endangered for decades. Between 7,000 and 10,000 cheetahs are left in the wild—the majority in Africa—down from 100,000 in 1900, and habitat destruction and human conflict continue to decrease their numbers.

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For many reasons, breeding cheetahs is difficult. Because most of the species died leaving only a small number left to repopulate in the wild some 10,000 years ago, today’s cheetah population suffers from low genetic diversity. All living cheetahs are between 5 and 10 percent genetically alike; this similarity manifests itself in poor sperm quality, increased disease susceptibility and high infant mortality. To make matters worse females are picky about which mates they choose and have delicate reproductive cycles. If two unrelated female cheetahs are placed in the same living quarters, the stress can actually shut down one another's reproductive, or estrous, cycles. But even in non-stressful situations, female cheetahs' estrous cycles are extremely unpredictable. , a biologist at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute's Center for Species Survival who leads the cheetah breeding program, says they hesitate to call it a cycle because it is so difficult to track.

This is all unfortunate, because the world's fastest land mammal could use help breeding. The cheetah has been critically endangered for decades. Between 7,000 and 10,000 cheetahs are left in the wild—the majority in Africa—down from 100,000 in 1900, and habitat destruction and human conflict continue to decrease their numbers.

The good news is that scientists are making headway with assisted reproduction techniques that could help save the charismatic animal. On April 6, for example, scientists at the Smithsonian National Zoo's Center for Species Survival in Front Royal, VA, including Crosier, attempted to extract an older female's eggs. The plan was to fertilize the eggs in vitro and either freeze them for later use or transfer them into a younger female. It was the second attempt at harvesting eggs for a possible embryo transfer since June 2013. Although neither were successful, it is still a positive development, because what went wrong can be corrected for future attempts. Depending on how many females at the National Zoo reproduce naturally this year, Crosier says, she expects they will try another egg extraction in the next few months.

Biologists at the National Zoo are also making progress with artificial insemination.  But the technique only results in pregnancies about 22 percent of the time. Crosier says she expects artificial insemination will be a reliable, viable option in about a decade—once scientists learn to use hormones to better control the estrous cycle, along with getting the timing right. Extensive cheetah sperm banks exist around the world. , founder and executive director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, has obtained and frozen sperm samples from nearly 200 male cheetahs over the years that could be used to impregnate live females today or in the future. , head of the Center for Species Survival, says about 10 to 20 percent of cubs at the National Zoo are and will continue to be produced by artificial insemination.

Finally, there’s genome sequencing, which could help scientists understand what genes account for specific diseases or debilitating characteristics. , cheetah expert and chief scientific officer at Saint Petersburg State University's Theodosius Dobzhansky Center for Genome Bioinformatics, says he hopes the genome sequence will allow scientists to answer more questions about the cheetah than ever before, and help save the species.

Cheetah experts all agree that assisted reproduction is only a stopgap—O'Brien calls it an "emergency room technology”—and that real progress in saving wild cheetahs will have to involve restoring habitat and working with locals to prevent hunting or defensive killing. Crosier says she hopes reliable assisted reproduction can be a piece of the larger repopulation strategy. "We've had a big hand in the decline of a lot of species and I'm personally not willing to sit back and watch them disappear if we have the opportunity to save them."

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Global Warming Brews Weird Weather

Climate change caused by human activities currently drives 75% of daily heat extremes and 18% of heavy rain or snowfall events, the team found—warning that further global warming will sharply increase the risks of such weather.

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Global warming has profoundly changed the odds of extreme heat, rain and snowfall, researchers report on 27 April in .

Climate change caused by human activities currently drives 75% of daily heat extremes and 18% of heavy rain or snowfall events, the team found—warning that further global warming will sharply increase the risks of such weather. The researchers looked at 'moderate' extremes, which they defined as events expected to occur on 1 in every 1,000 days under present conditions.

“Climate change doesn’t ‘cause’ any single weather event in a deterministic sense,” says Erich Fischer, a climate scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland, and the study's lead author. “But a warmer and moister atmosphere does clearly favour more frequent hot and wet extremes.”

The researchers found that local variations in weather are already large, even though the global average temperature has risen by just 0.85 °C since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

This finding agrees with . A paper published in  in 2011, for example, found that climate change has already doubled the risk of the atmospheric conditions that produced catastrophic floods in England and Wales in 2000; an earlier study found the same result for the conditions that triggered a massive European heat wave in 2003.

And human influence on the ‘moderate’ extremes examined in Fischer’s study is set to increase with every degree that the temperature rises, finds the analysis. If the world were to warm by 2 °C above the pre-industrial level, human-caused climate change would drive 40% of rain and snow extremes and 96% of heat extremes, the researchers found.

Higher temperature, bigger influence

He and co-author Reto Knutti, also a climate researcher at ETH Zurich, analysed simulations from 25 climate models. First they determined how many daily extreme hot or wet events had occurred between 1901 and 2005. Then they compared these figures with model simulations of extreme weather frequency and severity between 2006 and 2100, under a scenario in which emissions of greenhouse gases remain high.

The team did not investigate how severely any changes would affect societies and ecosystems in different parts of the world. Even so, the results, which agree with the observed increase in extreme rain and heat since the 1950s, make a strong case for policy efforts to keep global warming below 2 °C, says Fischer.

Model misgivings

“All weather events are influenced by the changed environment,” says Kevin Trenberth, a climate researcher with the US National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. “The global perspective the authors provide is helpful, but none of the models they use do precipitation realistically and some are quite bad.”

But regardless of model uncertainties, the paper is a stark reminder to policy-makers and the general public that climate change could have dramatic effects on human health and welfare, says Michael Oppenheimer, a climate-policy researcher at Princeton University in New Jersey.

“The risk of heat-related premature deaths has already increased and it will very likely starkly increase further in the future,” he says. “Clearly, governments should not only seek to slow global warming, but must also prepare societies for what warming will inevitably happen.”

Doomed Russian Space Station Cargo Ship Will Fall Back to Earth Soon

A Progress robotic delivery spacecraft that launched toward the International Space Station suffered a serious malfunction shortly after liftoff

April 29, 2015 | and |Russian Progress 55

A file photo of a Russian Progress 55 cargo ship leaving the International Space Station in July 2014. Russia's latest cargo ship Progress 59 launched on April 28, 2015, only to suffer a serious malfunction after reaching orbit.

An ailing Russian cargo spacecraft is falling from space and will soon meet a fiery demise in Earth's atmosphere after suffering a serious malfunction on Tuesday (April 28), a NASA astronaut said today.

The unmanned  is doomed to burn up in Earth's atmosphere in the next few days after failing to deliver more than 3 tons of supplies to the International Space Station, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly told reporters in a series of televised interviews.  has shown it to be tumbling in an out-of-control spin.

"We were both told recently by both the U.S. and Russian flight control centers that Roscosmos [Russia's space agency] announced that the Progress will not be docking and will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere here some days in the future to be determined," Kelly said from the station as he and crewmate Mikhail Kornienko answered questions.

 Tuesday atop a Soyuz rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The launch went smoothly, but shortly after the spacecraft separated from its rocket, Russian flight controllers had difficulty receiving telemetry data from the craft.

Later in the afternoon, NASA reported that the Russian flight controllers were unable to send commands to Progress 59, and that it was spinning uncontrollably. Repeated attempts to regain control of the automated spacecraft have been unsuccessful.

Today, the U.S. Air Force Space Command reported that its space junk tracking center has spotted 44 piece of debris near the Progress 59 spacecraft. However, officials with the Air Force's Joint Functional Component Command (JFCC) at the Joint Space Operations Center, which is monitoring the spacecraft, were unsure if the debris was from Progress 59 itself or the craft's upper-stage rocket body. Air Force officials said they will continue to track the spacecraft.

"Human spaceflight safety is our chief concern," Lt. Gen. Jay Raymond, JFCC Space and 14th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic) Commander, said in a statement. "We will continue to monitor the situation and work with our government, international and industry partners to ensure the safety of the astronauts onboard the ISS and provide for the long-term safety, sustainability, security and stability of the space domain."

NASA spokesman Dan Hout at the Johnson Space Center in Houston told today that the debris around Progress 59 does not pose a threat to the International Space Station or the crew on board. Huot stated yesterday that the crew is also , despite the loss of the Progress 59 cargo, and has about four months of supplies on hand.

Versions of Russia's unmanned 24-foot long (7.3 meter) Progress spacecraft have been used by the Russian space agency since 1978. The robotic cargo ships have been hauling cargo to the space station since 2000, with one crash in 2011 related to a rocket malfunction.

Russia's Progress spacecraft are disposable vehicles designed to burn up in Earth's atmosphere after completing their missions.

Ban DNA Editing Human Embryos, NIH Says

The U.S. National Institutes of Health reiterated its position after researchers delete a disease gene in nonviable zygotes

April 29, 2015 | and |

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has reaffirmed its ban on research that involves gene-editing of human embryos. In a statement released on April 29, NIH director Francis Collins spelled out the agency’s long-standing policy against funding such research and the ethical and legal reasons for it.

The statement comes after  that researchers in China had used a gene-editing technology called CRISPR to remove disease genes from a human embryo. That research was published in  on April 18.

The NIH is concerned about the safety of the technique and the ethical implications of altering genes that will be passed to future generations of humans. Collins also pointed out that there are few clinical situations in which editing would be the only way to prevent the passage of a genetic disease from parent to child. In all but very rare cases, parents with a genetic disease could create embryos in vitro and screen them for the presence of the faulty gene.

Additionally, Collins wrote, a US law specifically bans the government from funding work that destroys human embryos or creates them for the purposes of research. The 1996 provision, known as the Dickey-Wicker amendment, was modified in 2011 to allow research in embryonic stem-cell lines.

The NIH says that the law's wording would probably prohibit funding for work in a nonviable human embryo, since it defines ”embryo” as anything derived from “fertilization, parthenogenesis, cloning, or any other means.” The research published in  used embryos that had been fertilized by two sperm, rendering them nonviable.

Unlike many other countries, the United States does not ban work in human embryos outright. While some US states do have such restrictions, others’ rules are less clear and some do not ban it at all, says bioethicist Hank Greely of Stanford University in California. In these states, researchers could carry on with private funding.

In his statement, Collins says that the question of editing embryos is not a new one, and is “viewed almost universally as a line that should not be crossed.” But not everyone agrees, especially when the work involves embryos that cannot develop into human beings.

“I am not in favor of the NIH policy and I believe that the Chinese paper shows a responsible way to move forward,” says David Baltimore, a biologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. “But it is the will of Congress that there be no work with human embryos and I assume that means even ones that are structurally defective.”

Experts Calculate New Loss Predictions for Nepal Quake

When calamities like the Nepal earthquake hit, people look for numbers to help calculate the toll of destruction. That puts the spotlight on operations like , which is world’s largest independent Web site for earthquake data. The site has a rapid earthquake-loss estimation model, so that within 30 minutes of an event, anywhere in the world, they can offer a prediction about fatalities and economic loss. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) also has a Web site; the models differ in how they determine an event’s impact, the economic inputs used and the databases they draw from. has a narrower estimate of deaths, up to 10,000, whereas the USGS gives a much broader spread, estimating that between 10,000 and 100,000 fatalities are most likely.

Earthquake-report co-founder James Daniell, a civil and structural engineer at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technologyin Germany, began collecting earthquake damage statistics as a childhood hobby. "I used to read the book of records back to front. I was then naturally inquisitive why all the books didn't have the same values for a particular event, and that is why I got into it," he says. The database he has since built is now the backbone of his loss model. The report relies on intensity data collected from many different sources whereas the USGS uses its own data. Daniell also says his model tracks local changes in capital stock and GDP values through time whereas the USGS makes a comparison based on past temblors in each country or region of the world.

Daniell and his small team rely on sources that include national  and provincial government Web sites, Twitter feeds from official and local sources as well as information from people and colleagues they know in the area. The database includes sources that use 90 different languages. Daniell can read earthquake data in Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Bassa as well as English, German, French and Italian. The data is presented on the continually updated site, which has in-depth articles on major events, including video, images and tweets from people in affected regions.

The worldwide data has pointed to several long-term trends, Daniell says. One is that buildings are better, overall. Between 1900 and 2014 quake damage has decreased as a percentage of total damaged buildings. But the number of fatalities from earthquakes compared with worldwide deaths is a flat line. In this regard, "we're not doing better at all," Daniell says. He spoke to about the aftermath of the April 25 Nepal quake and about what his numbers show about worldwide readiness for dangerous temblors.


What were you expecting when you heard of the event, prior to running your first analysis?

At the moment, our models have a median of around 8,000 to 9,000 deaths, with 10,000 not out of the question. The latest official death toll [on Wednesday afternoon] is 6,101: 6,000 in Nepal, 25 in China, 72 in India and four in Bangladesh. Injured Nepal: 10,348. Internally displaced: 454,769. It is the ninth-deadliest of the 21st century currently—and probably will end up being the eighth-deadliest, since 1999.

Are you seeing any surprising statistics?

What are the economic losses to the region?

Tourists to Nepal often come to see temples. How many temples have been lost?

The temples were mostly unreinforced. However, one internationally funded temple had earthquake retrofitting, I don't know how the temple went and if it survived. Newer buildings in Kathmandu, however, survived the earthquake very well.

What has been the most important story coming out of Nepal for you?

Where else in the world are huge populations still at risk because they are living in cities where the primary building construction is unreinforced concrete and there is a likelihood of a major earthquake like this?

Do you think such countries will learn from this event and work to improve their own cities?

Oil Drilling May Slow Drought Recovery

As the main driver of climate change, the connection between burning fossil fuels and global warming is clear. But evidence shows they may be connected in another way—the physical footprint of oil and gas development on the landscape may not only contribute to global warming, it may also affect an ecosystem’s ability to withstand it.

New research shows that an area larger than the land area of Maryland—more than 11,500 square miles—was completely stripped of trees, grasses and shrubs to make way for more than 50,000 new oil and gas wells that were developed each year between 2000 and 2012. Such broad industrialization may harm the ability of some regions to recover from drought and damage the ability of the land to store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Most of the development studied was in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains of the central U.S. and Canada, where are creating “industrialized landscapes,” often in areas that are already drought stricken. That fast-spreading development is creating additional water stress while simultaneously damaging the ecosystem’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide and store or “fix” it in plants, according to the research—a  led by scientists at the University of Montana and published in the journal Science.

“When you think from a climate point of view, you’re not having carbon uptake across all this landscape for many decades when there’s very little plant cover,” study co-author , a University of Montana professor who models ecosystem functions, said.

The plants and their carbon uptake help the landscape provide certain “,” including food production, biodiversity and wildlife habitat, all of which are severely degraded when the landscape is denuded by oil and gas development.

Map shows the entire area where oil and gas development has reduced the land's ability to fix carbon, measured in "net primary production," which is the net amount of carbon fixed by plants and stored in biomass. University of Montana  

Grasslands and semi-arid regions are not nearly as carbon dense as forests, so on a global scale, loss of carbon storage in those areas because of expanding energy development doesn’t have much of an effect on global climate change, said, a professor of ecological and environmental economics at the University of Minnesota who was unaffiliated with the study.

But fossil fuels development and loss of vegetation does have a big effect on how a region responds and adapts to a changing climate because of the water stress it creates where drilling is occurring. 

Of course, oil and gas production isn’t the only land use that strips the land of vegetation. Urban sprawl, industrial agriculture and even the growth of renewable energy, especially solar, does that, too. 

One of the ways oil and gas development worsens water scarcity in times of drought is the use of large quantities of water for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and subsequent rounds of fracking the same well, a process called “refracturing.” The study estimates that up to nearly 34 billion cubic meters of water were used for fracking and refracturing in the central U.S. and Canada between 2000 and 2012, enough water to fill more than 1.3 million Olympic-sized swimming pools.

As fracking and refracturing become more common to make wells produce more oil and gas, it adds to an already fraught competition among agriculture, aquatic ecosystems, and municipalities for water supplies, the study says.

“One way of thinking is, it’s sort of potentially accelerating a trajectory toward a drier environment,” , a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said. Schimel is a convening lead author of three Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports and is unaffiliated with the Montana study.

Energy development also pushes out drought-resistant native vegetation possibly on both the land being drilled and the land around it, and it may not grow back as temperatures rise and droughts become more severe in a changing climate, he said.

Often, lands developed for oil and gas and other uses do not fully recover their previous ecosystem functions for decades or more, Schimel said.

“In shortgrass areas, you can still see where farms were abandoned during the Dust Bowl,” he said.

Until now, those landscape changes have never been studied on a national or international scale, Schimel said, adding that research suggesting a climate impact, either global or local, is “kind of a new thing.”

Polasky said that it’s important to account for landscape changes resulting from oil and gas development, but many other types of development alter ecosystems and the use of land, including urbanization and expansion of cropland.

Renewable energy development could have a similar effect on the land, with large solar farm construction often  scraping much of the land of vegetation as well.

The environmental impacts of alternative energy need to be balanced against the impacts of the energy they replace, such as fossil fuels driving global climate change, Schimel said.

“At least if a community decides to build a solar or wind energy plantation, you’re taking responsibility of the impacts within your own region,” he said. “When you use fossil energy, you’re affecting everybody (globally). There are no easy choices here.”

Climate Central. The article was

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Amazon Trees that Do Most to Slow Global Warming

A relatively small number of tree species store more than half the carbon

April 28, 2015 | and |

Despite ongoing logging and recent drought, the Amazon is home to perhaps a sixth of the carbon stored in living vegetation the world over.

Within the botanical menagerie that makes up the Amazon rainforest, which is so important it’s frequently dubbed the “lungs of the planet,” scientists have pinpointed a small number of tree species that are doing the heaviest breathing as they help to slow global warming.

Their discovery—that 182 species store half the rainforest’s woodbound carbon—suggests that the future of the world’s climate, and the contours of its coastal areas, are intertwined with the fate of this small portion of an estimated 16,000 Amazonian tree species.

Despite  and , the Amazon is home to perhaps a sixth of the carbon stored in living vegetation the world over, helping to keep levels of climate-changing carbon dioxide down in the atmosphere.

“The Amazon is a massively important carbon stock, and it’s currently acting as a carbon sink,” Leeds University’s , who led the research, said. “What we’re trying to do is increase our understanding of where this carbon is going; which trees are storing it.”

The findings were published Tuesday  following analysis of data covering 530 areas. The most common tree identified in the study, a variety of palm known to scientists as Iriartea, was also found to hold the most carbon. But the other 181 species identified as the most important for carbon storage weren’t necessarily the most common species in the rainforest. They were species that shared combinations of important features, being relatively abundant, long-living and large-growing.

“There are a few species that seem to grow big—and those are the ones you’d want to emphasize in conservation,” said University of California at Berkeley forest ecology professor , who was not involved with the research. “If you were managing these forests, you would leave these trees.”

One of the most carbon-hungry types of trees identified in the study was the Brazil nut tree, which grows trunks that can easily exceed a height of 100 feet. In a list ranking species by the total number of individual trees growing within the 530 studied plots, Brazil nut trees ranked 243rd. In terms of total growth and productivity, by contrast, they ranked fourth overall, and they were found to contain 1.3 percent of the forest’s carbon.

“The default assumption would be, I think, that given the enormous biological diversity of tropical forests, carbon cycling would be more equitably distributed among plant species,” National Center for Atmospheric Research scientist , who wasn’t involved with the study, said. “This discovery overturns that paradigm.”

Fisher said she would be “hesitant to suggest the most obvious idea—that we could store lots of carbon by planting these very large species,” because so little is known about how sensitive they are to the types of droughts and fires that are projected to become more common in the future, nor whether they would thrive in managed forests.

More work will be needed to determine how the findings could be applied to conservation and climate protection strategies—particularly as the climate changes in the Amazon and across the rest of the planet. Rainfall rates have  across the southeastern Amazon since the turn of the century, with deforestation and changes in atmospheric circulation regarded as culprits.

“We must remember that these species established under 20th century climate conditions,” Fisher said. “The hyper-dominant species of the coming decades may need to possess different characteristics.”

Climate Central. The article was

President’s Malaria Initiative Enters Its Second Phase

The extremely successful global healthcare program sets malaria eradication goals in some countries

Apr 14, 2015 | |

RTI International

In an era when partisan squabbling threatens to bring the U.S. government to a halt, one of America's most successful global health programs, begun under President George W. Bush in 2005, is about to enter a second phase. Known as the President's Malaria Initiative, or PMI, the program is considered by many to be one of the best run and most effective of the U.S.'s worldwide health efforts.

The initiative is one of the largest players in the international effort to combat malaria, which kills more than half a million people a year. An estimated 4.3 million fewer malaria deaths occurred between 2001 and 2013, according to the World Health Organization, which is about a 47 percent reduction in the number of deaths if malaria patterns in 2000 had gone unchecked.

PMI accounted for a substantial part of this success. The program is based on four interventions: insecticide-treated mosquito nets, indoor spraying, testing and treatment with artemisinin-based drugs, and preventive treatment of pregnant women. The next phase of the strategy, under the Obama administration, will build on the gains, seeking to reduce malaria deaths by 30 percent between 2015 and 2020 in 19 target countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in the Greater Mekong region in Asia. (There were 198 million malaria cases globally in 2013.) Efforts will even aim to eliminate the disease in some countries. The program will also address drug and insecticide resistance to malaria, along with each country's capacity for its own treatment, monitoring and surveillance.

The secret to the initiative's success seems to be that it takes on mundane but often overlooked management issues that can trip up global health programs. PMI's approach is holistic: it takes responsibility for every link in the chain, from procurement to quality control. U.S. global health officials in other fields say it is a model particularly for its sustained focus on a limited number of targeted interventions in countries with a high burden of disease.

The recent accomplishments of anti-malaria programs may have the unintended consequence of creating a sense of complacency at a time when efforts need to be amplified. Despite increases in the past decade, the overall global budget for malaria control is still projected to lag by more than $2 billion a year compared with what the mission requires, according to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. And a new PMI strategy document warns of “waning country and donor attention” as malaria rates drop. At the launch of the second phase of the initiative at the White House in February, Bernard Nahlen, deputy coordinator, warned: “The minute you take your foot off the pedal, malaria will come back with a vengeance.”

Diabetes Drug Makes Male Minnows More Female

Male minnows exposed to a widely used diabetes drug ubiquitous in wastewater effluent had feminized reproductive parts and were smaller and less fertile, according to a .

It is the first study to examine the drug metformin’s impact on fish endocrine systems and suggests that non-hormone pharmaceuticals pervasive in wastewater may cause reproductive and development problems in exposed fish.

Metformin is largely used to combat insulin resistance associated with type-2 diabetes, which accounts for about 90 percent of all diagnosed U.S. adult diabetes cases.

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee exposed young fathead minnows to water containing levels of metformin commonly found in wastewater effluent. Eighty-four percent of 31 metformin-exposed male fish exhibited feminized reproductive organs.

“Normally in females you see eggs developed in ova, in males, you see a different structure – producing tiny sperm instead of an egg structure,” said Rebecca Klaper, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and senior author of the study. “We saw development of larger egg structures within the [male’s] testis.”

A couple of non-exposed males had very minor feminization, but signs of egg development were nothing compared to what happened in the exposed fish, Klaper said. In addition to the feminization, exposed male minnows weighed less and had significantly less babies when they reproduced, suggesting that the feminization may impact their ability to reproduce properly.

Pharmaceutical chemicals are ubiquitous in wastewater effluent. Researchers estimate that, by mass, metformin is among the  in wastewater. 

More than nine percent of the U.S. population has diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency estimates that from 1980 to 2011, cases of diagnosed diabetes almost tripled.

Increased illnesses means more drugs. Pharmaceutical drugs get into our wastewater when people flush their medication or, more commonly, when they excrete them. Metformin, unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, is not metabolized by the human body, and gets excreted unchanged.

Metformin’s “really been hitting people’s radar more of late,” said Dana Kolpin, a U.S. Geological Survey research hydrologist based in Iowa and project chief of the agency’s emerging contaminants project. Kolpin said as water testing methods have gotten more sophisticated, metformin seems to be one of the most frequently detected. “It’s persistent and mobile,” he said.

Scientists have expressed concern that birth control and other hormone mimicking drugs in water could impact fish populations and cause feminization. Last year U.S. Geological Survey  intersex fish in Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna, Delaware and Ohio river basins, suggesting that estrogenic chemicals were to blame. 

However, metformin is not an estrogenic or hormone-mimicking drug. Rather it is designed to improve insulin sensitivity. It appears a “nontraditional endocrine disrupting chemical,” Klaper and her University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee colleague, Nicholas Niemuth, wrote in the study published in the journal Chemosphere.

While researchers are not totally clear how the drug disrupts fish hormones, metformin has been shown to alter the activity of certain enzymes that are involved in hormone pathways.

“We know from some vertebrate studies that insulin and metabolism in an organism is tied into reproduction,” Klaper said. “But how metformin would cause a difference in actual egg production is something we don’t know but is very interesting. Now we’re trying to figure out why.”

Klaper previously found that metformin caused some signs of endocrine disruption when she exposed adult fish to the drug for 28 days. However, no intersex tissue was found, suggesting that exposure during development might be the major concern.

It’s not clear if all fish would react to metformin exposure as the fathead minnows did, Kolpin said. Klaper said the development of male and female fish is not entirely the same across species. She said they would continue testing fathead minnows and also look at zebrafish to see if they exhibit similar impacts.

Kolpin said some waterways also have been shown to have a metformin transformation compound, called guanylurea, which is formed when metformin comes in contact with bacteria such as in sewage.

“It’ll be worth finding out if its transformation product also has these bioactive properties,” Kolpin said.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s latest —water pollutants not subject to regulations yet but that might render water unsafe—includes several pharmaceuticals that act on hormones. Metformin is not on the list, published in February.

Klaper and Niemuth wrote that metformin would probably not show up as an endocrine disruptor under the current testing used by the U.S. EPA Agency, which relies on the binding of chemicals to hormone receptors. Structurally, metformin doesn’t resemble hormones. The results, they argue, suggest the EPA should broaden its testing.

“Given its environmental persistence and presence worldwide, this compound merits further research on its potential environmental impacts as well as its impacts on vertebrate development more generally and should be added to the list of potential EDCs [endocrine disrupting chemicals],” Klaper and Niemuth wrote.

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