Saturday, October 18, 2014

Like Valium and Oxycontin, without the Side Effects [Video]

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Whether it be mental calm or analgesia, neuroscientists have discovered a range of possible health benefits from meditation

Oct 14, 2014 | |

A Buddhist monk—this one with a doctorate in cell biology—has teamed with two prominent neuroscientists to present the latest findings on what meditation does to the brain and how those changes to neural circuits have some of the trappings of what might be labeled a perfect drug—Prozac-like muting of depression symptoms or prophylaxis against PTSD (just two on the list). Read by Ricard Matthieu, Antoine Lutz and Richard J. Davidson in the November issue to find out more, or watch Davidson and Ricard talk about contemplative practices in the videos below.

Here’s Davidson’s talk at Stanford about the emergence of the new field of contemplative neuroscience.

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