Monday, October 27, 2014

Has Your Smartphone Made Your Other Gadgets Obsolete? [Survey]

Tell us how you use your smartphone, which gadgets it has replaced and where you would like to see the technology go

October 27, 2014 | |

Smartphones have become the Swiss Army knives of the digital age. No need to fill your pockets and handbags with cameras, maps and music players—just grab your all-in-one iPhone or Android device on your way out the door.

The new feature in iOS 8 promises to help the newest iPhones and iPads replace yet another staple of modern life: the credit card. Apple launched its latest attack on the status quo on October 20, with dozens of major retailers—Macy’s, McDonald’s and Whole Foods Market among them—ready to accept payment. Several banks, payment providers and app makers are likewise onboard. Google has on its Android devices for a few years, but the company has built little fanfare to usher its technology into the mainstream. The Apple effect could change that.

wants to know more about your smartphone use, the technology it has replaced and what capabilities you would like to see the gadgets offer in the future. How much has your smartphone changed your life?

Please fill out our survey below, choosing one answer for each question, before November 15. We will post the results on our Web site by early December.

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