Monday, October 6, 2014

How Nations Fare in PhDs by Sex [Interactive]

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How women and men fare in doctoral studies around the world

Sep 16, 2014


In the U.S., women are going to college and majoring in science and engineering fields in increasing numbers, yet here and around the world they remain underrepresented in the workforce. Comparative figures are hard to come by, but a disparity shows up in the number of Ph.D.s awarded to women and men. The chart here, assembled from data collected by the National Science Foundation, traces the gender gap at the doctoral level for 56 nations. The situation in individual countries varies widely, but as the numbers make clear, there are interesting exceptions to the global trend.

Interactive by Periscopic


Science and Engineering Indicators 2014. National Science Board. National Science Foundation, 2014.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2013. World Economic Forum, 2013.

Nature Index of scientific research (to launch in Fall 2014):

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