Wednesday, August 26, 2015

5 Therapy Myths and Fears Busted

While millions of people are comfortable seeking help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other counselor, others—maybe you included—would rather pass a kidney stone than make an appointment with a therapist. This week, the Savvy Psychologist helps you (or someone you love) get over 5 common myths and fears about therapy

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Seeking help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other counselor can be a great way to get through a rough patch, get some perspective, or . But not everyone feels comfortable taking that step.

This week, we’ll address some common myths and fears that may needlessly be keeping you from getting help and feeling better. Next week, we’ll cover how to talk to  who could use a psychological tune-up, but needs a gentle nudge (or even a compassionate kick in the head) to make that first appointment.

According to a 2007 population-based prevalence study, 29% of the population has a diagnosable disorder that is going untreated—that’s almost one in three people! The highest treatment need was for ; then, in order, depression, social anxiety, and panic. The same study found that less than one-third of people who needed help got help.   

Likewise, a 2009 study of over 36,000 people found that in the past year, fully 4% had thought seriously about suicide or had attempted suicide. Of that 4%, half of those who had contemplated suicide and one-quarter of those who had attempted suicide didn’t seek help, or even perceive the need for help. 

The take home: there are millions of people out there, perhaps even you or someone you love, who could benefit from a few sessions with a good psychologist, psychiatrist, or other counselor.  But  to seek help, and know-how to get in the door. To that end, here are 5 common barriers to seeking treatment--and how you can convince yourself (or someone you love) to overcome them.

Want more tips?  Check out  

Barrier #1: I Can Fix This Myselffinancial adviser, or your golf swing to a coach. You wouldn’t treat a broken leg on your own, right? The same should be true for , addiction, or any other affliction that’s sucking the life out of you.


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