Only purebred dogs are allowed to compete at the Westminster Kennel Club’s annual dog show.
“The basic purpose of dog shows is to facilitate the evaluation of breeding stock for use in producing the next generations,” the organization’s website .
Similar trends have been observed between golden-winged warblers and blue-winged warblers.
“This issue is horrendously complex because of our ability to change the environment,” said Arnold.
A threat to genetic diversity?
As rainbow trout meet and interbreed with dwindling cutthroat trout populations, the survival of cutthroat trout is at risk. Instead, a hybrid species is taking its place.
“It’s a major cause of species extinction—lots of species are now disappearing because they are being genetically swamped by other, commoner ones,” said Stuart Pimm, a professor of conservation ecology at Duke University.
In some cases, hybridization can lead to reduced genetic diversity in animals, according to David Tallmon, an associate professor of biology at the University of Alaska.
“Rather than growing a new branch on the [genetic] tree, you have two branches growing together,” he said.
In the case of cutthroat-rainbow trout hybrids, the hybrids are less genetically fit, with offspring of the hybrids struggling to survive, a led by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey found.
Combining the strengths of coyotes and wolves
“Hybridization can increase genetic diversity in some cases,” said Tallmon.
A coyote-wolf-dog hybrid that made its way to western New York in the 1940s has the combined features of stealthy coyote-like movements and a larger skull, making it better-adapted to hunting white-tailed deer.
Members of the butterfly genus in the Amazon breed with other species within the genus and have developed more distinctive colors in the process. Without these colors, the birds would not be aware that these butterflies contain cyanide, and the defense mechanism would be useless.
Though crossbreeding between Amazonian butterflies was not triggered by climate change, it is an example of hybridization that strengthens the survival abilities of a species.
No help from Endangered Species Act
“We are losing biodiversity not due to genetic exchange, but because we are eating up the landscape,” said Arnold. “What we want to do is we’ve got to stop destroying landscape.”
In cases where warmer temperatures are bringing species together, human intervention should be carefully thought through, he added.
Hybrids are not classified as their own species, so there are no regulations to protect them—they can’t be placed on the U.S. government’s endangered species list.
“With large-scale climate change, the question is: Are these hybrids more well-adapted?” said Arnold.
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