Biological soil crust in Arches National Park, Utah. Biological soil crusts are composed of oxygen-producing cyanobacteria, green algae, brown algae, fungi, lichens and/or mosses. (Photo: Neal Herbert/National Park Service/Flickr)
We keep seeing related to the human microbiome. That is, the trillions of microorganisms living in our gut and on our bodies that are essential to our health and wellbeing, but which are threatened by modern life. Our planet also has a microbiome, a living in Earth’s crust and waterways, which is analogous in terms of keeping our planet healthy—and it is similarly threatened by human activity.
Photosynthetic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) under a microscope. (Californai Environmental Protection Agency)
Without microbial development of photosynthesis, Earth would be nearly as hot as Venus, and airless. Even today, though we usually think of plants as responsible for photosynthesis, about 50 percent of global photosynthesis is still carried out microbially, primarily in the oceans.
Most of us didn’t learn this in school biology. Maybe we put together one of those , beginning with the Big Bang and ending with humans. Science education often glosses over the role of microorganisms in making life as we know it on Earth possible, but we would not be here without millennia of microbially-driven changes.
Typical orangish acid mine drainage coming from the abandoned Pennsylvania Mine in Colorado. The acid mine drainage from this mine contains high levels of metals, in particular, cadmium and zinc. (Photo courtesy of Timberley Roane, University of Colorado Denver)
Normally, these microbes are small in number, and they are protected from oxygen by topsoil and vegetation. Mining strips that away, allowing the acid-producing microbes to thrive and bloom. Acid mine drainage has threatened over of streams and waterways in the United States alone. Around $1 million is spent per day it. Once this process has started, it is very difficult to stop, and treatment must go on in perpetuity.
Everything we do, from mining to burning of fossil fuels to large-scale agriculture changes Earth’s microbiome. And scientists barely understand how we are currently affecting it. We don’t know, for instance, how microbial changes will impact our ability to —i.e., the food we eat. We don’t know how a warming climate will change patterns of survival of microbes that cause . We are just beginning to realize that extensive warming of permafrost soils may release a treasure trove of heretofore frozen food for microbes, increasing carbon dioxide emissions and climate warming to even greater rates than currently exist. Understanding Earth’s microbiome is a challenge that rivals going to the moon or developing cures for cancer.
Stordalen Mire, in Arctic Sweden, an area under intense study for permafrost collapse. One collapse edge is seen bisecting the image, where permafrost thaw is causing the ground to collapse into a wet boggy feature all along the collapse front. In places, the access boardwalk is sinking into recently-formed wet areas due to thaw. This change into wetland causes a marked change in greenhouse gas emissions, which much more of the potent greenhouse gas methane being released for each square meter of land thawed. (Photo courtesy Scott Saleska, University of Arizona)
Until recently, the U.S. has led such challenges. But funding has for our research agencies, including the and the . Continuing this trend, the against an amendment to add $51 billion in funding to the National Institutes of Health over the next decade. This vote demonstrates a shortsighted view of the importance of the science research effort.
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