On a sparkling July morning on Yellowstone Lake the nine-meter aluminum boat putts over to a yellow-flagged buoy lolling on the glassy surface. The buoy marks a 275-meter-long net that’s been hanging in the lake for the last 24 hours. Two crew members pull the net up with a hydraulic winch—it’s empty.
Most fishermen would be disappointed, but Phil Doepke is encouraged. To Doepke, a fisheries biologist at the National Park Service (NPS), the empty net is a sign that he and his colleagues may be winning their battle against the lake trout, , an infamous invasive species that has been devastating the lake, one of the world’s iconic ecosystems. “We’ve been targeting the larger lake trout lately,” he explains as he feeds the empty net into a bucket. “But the larger lake trout have been hard to find.”
The lake trout—not a true trout, but a close relative called a char—is a rapacious predator that’s native to the icy waters of Alaska, Canada and the Great Lakes. In the 1980’s an anonymous angler—a “bucket biologist,” as such meddlers are called—dumped a handful into Yellowstone Lake, the 352-square-kilometer jewel at the heart of America’s first national park. The invaders, which regularly exceed 10 kilograms, spelled disaster for the lake’s native inhabitant, Yellowstone cutthroat trout, a golden fish that derives its name from the red slash below its jaw. Cutthroat numbers, once as high as four million, plunged by 90 percent as juvenile cutts became prey.
By the time the NPS began setting gillnets to kill the interlopers in 1996, it was too late. The lake trout population swiftly ballooned to an estimated half million fish.
When cutthroat populations collapsed, they dragged an entire food web down with them. Bears, osprey, eagles and other carnivores that feed on cutthroat in rivers and streams, where the fish go to spawn, went hungry. (Lake trout, by contrast, remain in the lake all their lives, where predators can’t get at them.) One tributary, , once hosted 70,000 migrating cutthroat annually. Today, no more than 500 trout visit the stream.
In 2009 Bigelow and her team turned for help to Hickey Brothers Fisheries, a private fishing crew that was already removing lake trout from Idaho’s Lake Pend Oreille. Their larger boats and gear allowed them to deploy longer nets than the Park Service and to set those nets in different configurations—in particular, a sine wave–shaped curve that reliably catches more fish. And having gathered data on catch rates for nearly two decades, the netters were better able to target Yellowstone lake trout hotspots, like the shallow spawning grounds around Carrington Island.
The result was a dramatic increase in lake trout removal: 224,000 in 2011, 300,000 in 2012, another 300,000 in 2013. Although catch numbers have stayed high, it’s taken more nets and days on the water to snag the same number of fish, suggesting that aliens are finally growing scarcer. Even more important: according to a 2013 , cutthroat trout numbers recently began ticking upward for the first time in years.
The progress is encouraging but the invaders are likely in Yellowstone to stay. Whereas total eradication may be impossible, the NPS hopes to suppress lake trout—and boost cutthroat—enough to maintain a healthy, functional ecosystem. To that end the agency and its partners are experimenting with other ways of attacking lake trout, including an array of that would zap their eggs and larvae. “If you could hit them at both ends, where you’re taking the adults out and also killing any eggs and embryos,” Bigelow says, “you could really make a difference.”
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