Thursday, August 13, 2015

Why Diets Don't Work (and What Does)

A psychologist explains why diets backfire and what weight-loss methods are proven to work

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My friend Ann (not her real name) recently tried the Paleo diet. She stopped eating dairy, grains, refined sugars and processed foods. Six weeks in, Ann had lost 15 pounds. But in that time, she had skipped happy hours, girls' nights out, office parties—really any occasion that might have put her in arm's reach of temptation.

Ann missed her old life. She soon slid into her prediet habits and quickly gained back the pounds, plus a few more—a familiar experience for her. Ann has lost weight on many diets, but she can never maintain the regimen for long. After she quits, the scale, like a pendulum, always swings back up.

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