Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Track a Tree [U.K.]

Track a Tree [U.K.]

Ancient woodland at , , showing (blue flowers, ), (white flowers, ) and (trees, ).



extends the seasonal observations of , and participants will collect important new information on the phenology of woodland trees and flowering plants. These records will become part of a national network monitoring our woodlands over this and future springs.

Four key features of Track a Tree make the project unique:

  1. It follows individual trees. This means we can find out how much trees are able to adjust their phenology from year to year as climate conditions vary. Scientists call this flexibility phenotypic plasticity.
  2. It follows randomly selected trees in woodland. This provides a range of dates when different species reach budburst or come into leaf, rather than just the very first events that happen in woodlands. Knowing how these dates vary within a location is important for understanding interactions between species.
  3. It follows interacting species. By observing the flowering of plants beneath individual trees, scientists can see whether these ground flora species are able to shift their phenology to keep up with changes in the timing of shading under climate change.
  4. It follows woodland communities. Through recording the phenology of UK woodland communities, we can find out how seasonal timing varies across some of our most important habitats.

Project Details

  • PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST: Christine Tansey
  • SCIENTIST AFFILIATION: University of Edinburgh
  • DATES: Ongoing
  • LOCATION: ALL - United Kingdom
  • PROJECT TYPE: Fieldwork
  • COST: Free
  • GRADE LEVEL: All Ages
  • TIME COMMITMENT: Less than 1 hour per week

    as a recorder via the online form.

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