Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Are Soil-Based Organisms Beneficial?

Some people claim that we're better off getting our probiotic bacteria from dirt than from foods like yogurt. But are these products safe?

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Quick & Dirty Tips Scientific American

Nutrition Diva listener Vicky asked me to do a show on soil-based organisms, beneficial bugs that some people believe to be even more helpful than the friendly bacteria that you'll find in probiotic foods like yogurt.

There's been an explosion of research into the human gut and the . Scientists are finding links between the bacteria that live in our bodies (sometimes referred to as the "") and everything from obesity to  to allergies to autism. But the research is just getting started. A lot of the current work is simply an attempt to take a census--and there are a LOT of bugs to catalog. Figuring out exactly what all these bugs are actually doing for (or to) us and how we might manipulate these populations to our benefit is still a considerable ways off.

Meanwhile, consumers have cottoned to probiotics in a big way. Although , consumption of yogurt is way up. Similarly, although sales of  are down,  are up. And everyone and their brother is now . The interest in soil-based organisms seems to be part of this trend as well.  

What Are Soil-Based Organisms?

These soil-based organisms make their way into our systems as well. Some hitch a ride on our hands or on raw fruits and vegetables that we eat.  You also get some soil-based organisms in and traditionally pickled vegetables.


see also:

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