Monday, December 22, 2014

Scientist Resigns as Stem-Cell Creation Method Is Discredited

Haruko Obakata caused a sensation earlier this year with papers, now discredited and retracted, that claimed a simple method for creating pluripotent stem cells

December 22, 2014 | and |

A mouse embryo injected with cells made pluripotent through stress, tagged with a fluorescent protein.

Haruko Obokata, the stem-cell biologist whose papers caused a sensation earlier this year before being retracted, has resigned from the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan.

Her emotional resignation letter was posted on RIKEN’s website on December 19 alongside results of the organization’s own investigation, which .

Such cells are scientifically valuable because they can develop into most other cells types, from brain to muscle. But they are difficult to make.

Obokata’s method—known as stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP—was published in in January. However, the results immediately came under suspicion, and the papers were . A few weeks later, one of the paper’s co-authors, Yoshiki Sasai, .

Obokata wrote she could not “find words enough to apologize... for troubling so many people at RIKEN and other places”.

In an accompanying statement, RIKEN president Ryoji Noyori wrote that Obokata had been subject to extreme stress over the affair, and that in accepting her resignation he hoped to save her "further mental burden".

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