Friday, September 5, 2014

Apple Expected to Set Its Sights on Wearables, Mobile Payments

The rumor mill surrounding the company’s latest is in full gear, with possibly a wearable device and smartphone wallet capabilities to be announced next week. Larry Greenemeier reports. Sep 5, 2014 | |

Apple’s latest product download is almost here, and the Web is as usual rampant with rumor. Some of the more interesting speculation concerns the launch of a wearable device—the mythical iWatch maybe?—and a new iPhone that can be used as a mobile wallet.

Ironically, Apple’s biggest mobile gadget competitors—that would be anyone using Google Android—already sell a variety of smartwatches and include near-field communication chips that can pass payment data wirelessly over short distances at retailers.

Still, Apple is

Remember, Apple wasn’t the first to come out with an Internet-enabled phone or an mp3 player. They were the ones that made smartphones a must-have gadget and digital music a phenomenon.

—Larry Greenemeier

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast.]

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